Infectious prostatitis is a common disease of the prostate gland that can lead to complications. Antibiotics for prostatitis are the main focus of treatment and are selected based on test results. It is impossible to take antibacterial drugs without a prescription. Everyone who faces this disease needs to know which groups of drugs exist and how they differ.
When do you need antibiotics?

Before using any medication, you should definitely consult your doctor.
There are several types of diseases:
- acute infectious (bacterial) prostatitis;
- chronic bacterial prostatitis;
- chronic non-infectious prostatitis.
Taking antibiotics is not always recommended. Drugs in this group are active only against pathogens, but have no general anti-inflammatory effect.
Antibiotics for prostatitis are indicated only if the inflammation of the organ is caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms in the prostate gland. In all other cases, the antibiotic for prostatitis in men will be ineffective.
The main problem in treating prostatitis is that many men are wary of antibiotic therapy, believing that such drugs are harmful or dangerous. It is important to remember: neglected prostatitis is a dangerous, not a properly selected antibiotic, taken on the advice of a doctor in accordance with the dosing regimen and therapy.An antibiotic for prostatitis and adenoma is prescribed only in the presence of bacterial inflammation. Drugs in this group are effective only against bacteria and do not show activity against viruses or fungi.
Antibiotics for chronic prostatitis are prescribed only if there is a chronic focus of prostate infection. Bacterial chronic prostatitis develops due to improper or insufficient treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis. Quite often the disease becomes chronic due to the fact that the man has treated himself and has taken drugs that have been ineffective against a particular pathogen. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms develop drug resistance and the disease becomes chronic, reminding itself with periodic complications.
The main antibiotic indication for the treatment of prostatitis in men is acute bacterial inflammation of the prostate.
In case of stagnant or chronic non-infectious prostatitis, such drugs are not recommended. This is due to the mechanism of development of such inflammation. Stagnant prostatitis is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and other causes leading to impaired prostate trophism and thickening of prostate secretion. Inflammation is due to the fact that the secretion of the prostate can not leave the lobules of the body, it begins to accumulate and compresses the gland. In such a disease there is no infectious focus, which means that it makes no sense to take antibiotics. To treat this form of inflammation, special anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which should not be confused with antibiotics.
The most effective drugs
No doctor will ever tell a patient about the existence of the best antibiotics for prostatitis, as there are simply no such drugs. There are several groups of antibiotics for men used to treat prostatitis. In each group there are many names of active substances that are active against various bacteria. An effective antibiotic for prostatitis is a drug selected taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease in a particular man.
The following criteria shall be met when prescribing a medicinal product:
- causative agent of the disease;
- form of prostatitis;
- medicines the man has been taking in recent months;
- presence of other chronic diseases.
To determine which antibiotic is better for prostatitis, it is necessary to make a bacterial culture of prostate secretion. This analysis allows you to identify the cause of the disease and determine its sensitivity to various active substances.
In general, acute bacterial prostatitis is treated quite effectively with the right antibiotics. Usually a two-week course of therapy is enough to get rid of the disease forever.
The treatment of chronic bacterial inflammation is often complicated by the resistance of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs. In this case, either synthetic antimicrobials or combination antibacterial therapy with several different drugs at once are prescribed. The first option is preferable, but the course of therapy is increased to 28 days or more.
What are fluoroquinolones and when are they used?
Pills are convenient for treating prostatitis with antibiotics at home, although injections are usually more effective and faster. At the same time, it is important to choose a drug that effectively penetrates the prostate tissue, despite oral administration. As men have recently begun to treat various diseases with antibiotics, often using drugs for other purposes, resistant forms of pathogenic microorganisms that are not sensitive to conventional antibiotics are often found. In this case, doctors prefer drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones.
Fluoroquinolones are the only antibacterial drugs that have no natural analogues.
These drugs are completely synthetic, developed by chemists and are not taken in nature. They have a wide range of antimicrobial activity. The main advantage of using these drugs is that the pathogen cannot develop resistance to fluoroquinolones, which means that such drugs remain effective with repeated treatment.
The distinguishing features of this group of drugs are as follows:
- wide range of activities;
- has no adverse effects on the digestive tract;
- convenient form to issue;
- ease of use;
- minimal side effects;
- can be taken at any age;
- penetrate well into the tissues of the prostate.
Such drugs are convenient to take because they are prescribed one tablet a day. However, the course of treatment is usually quite long, because despite the fact that the drug penetrates into the tissues of the prostate, its concentration increases slowly, so the course of administration usually lasts from several weeks. As there are practically no side effects, this does not have a negative impact on health.
In addition, drugs in this group do not affect liver and kidney function, so they can be used in the treatment of patients over 65 years, but only with the prior consent of the attending physician.
The use of penicillins in the treatment of prostatitis
One of the oldest groups of antibacterial drugs is penicillin antibiotics. Drugs in this group have been well studied, but today they are no longer effective enough, as most microorganisms develop resistance to the active substance very quickly.
The advantage of these drugs is their rapid elimination from the body and minimal effect on liver function. The main disadvantage is the low bioavailability and poor penetration into the prostate tissue.
To date, the only drug still used to treat prostatitis is the combined penicillin antibiotic. It contains clavulanic acid, which enhances its action and provides a certain immunostimulating effect.
Preparations of this group should be used only in acute inflammation. Long-term use of the drug is ineffective, as the causative agent of the disease quickly becomes resistant to its action. The drug is usually prescribed for 7-10 days, no more.
Tetracycline drugs
Tetracycline antibiotics are often prescribed for bacterial prostatitis. The benefits of these drugs:
- variety of release forms;
- broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity;
- fast efficiency;
- low price.
Pills or injections are most commonly prescribed. If it is necessary to use suppositories with an antibiotic for prostatitis, such drugs can be found in the group of tetracyclines.
The disadvantage of these drugs is their harmful effects on the gastrointestinal tract. They must be taken together with antihistamines and probiotics, otherwise dysbiosis cannot be avoided.
Due to side effects and contraindications, urologists prescribe such drugs in a small course and only in acute inflammation.
What are the specialties of macrolides?
When asked which antibiotics are best for prostatitis, many doctors point to macrolides. The main feature of this group of drugs is their low toxicity and lack of side effects. They are well tolerated by the body and do not cause allergic reactions. They are used as an independent agent without the need for concomitant administration of hepatoprotectors, antihistamines or probiotics.
While some doctors actively prescribe macrolides for prostatitis, others claim that these drugs are ineffective in chronic bacterial inflammation.
Macrolides have dozens of names. The latest generation of drugs from this group is characterized by an interesting form of release - gel or suspension. They are convenient to take, and the liquid form ensures rapid absorption of the drug. In addition, drugs from this group are highly bioavailable and penetrate well into the tissues of inflamed organs.
The main contraindications are mental disorders and depression. Long-term use of drugs from this group is potentially dangerous for the development of psychopathological syndromes in people with a predisposition to such diseases.
When are cephalosporins effective?
Cephalosporins are good antibiotics for prostatitis. They perfectly treat bacterial prostatitis, leaving no chance for pathogenic microorganisms. The disadvantage is a rather impressive list of contraindications and side effects. In addition, drugs in this group require the correct dosage selection, so they should only be prescribed by a doctor.
Benefits of drugs in this group:
- high efficiency against pyogenic bacteria;
- fast action;
- good penetration into prostate tissues;
- has no negative effect on the gastric microflora.
Antibacterial suppositories
Once you understand which antibiotics are used for prostatitis and which names may be useful for men in the future, you should pay attention to suppositories for infectious prostatitis with antibiotics.
Topical application is an advantage of such preparations. Suppositories act in close proximity to the prostate, so that the active substance is rapidly absorbed by the walls of the rectum and penetrates directly into the tissues of the inflamed organ.
In addition to antibiotic suppositories, antiseptic drugs and anti-inflammatory suppositories may be prescribed for prostatitis.
Medicines in the form of suppositories can be used together with antibiotic tablets. For example, chronic prostatitis is often treated with oral macrolides, in addition to suppository macrolides. You can also use drugs from the tetracycline series with suppositories.
The duration of the course of use of rectal suppositories is determined individually. They are usually prescribed for a period of two weeks or more.
Antibiotic suppositories for prostatitis can have side effects. Intestinal dysbiosis is often observed with long-term use of this form of the drug.
Natural antibacterial agents
In addition to pharmaceutical products, treatment can be performed with natural drugs with antimicrobial properties. Of course, natural antibiotics are significantly less effective than special drugs, but they can be used in chronic bacterial prostatitis to improve the therapeutic effect of other drugs.
The most powerful antimicrobial agent in nature:
- honey;
- propolis;
- garlic;
- celandine.
Honey has a pronounced immunostimulating effect. Men are advised to eat it for both prevention and treatment of prostatitis. In addition, homemade suppositories are made from honey.
Propolis is a powerful natural antibiotic and antiseptic. You can make your own propolis suppositories or buy them at the pharmacy.
Garlic helps in the fight against chronic prostatitis of infectious and non-infectious nature. It is often recommended to be used to make candles by adding sea buckthorn oil, which accelerates tissue regeneration.
Celandine has pronounced antimicrobial activity and is used as a decoction and microenema.
Preparation of suppositories at home

Garlic is good for treating prostate problems.
To prepare candles with antimicrobial action, you need to stock up on solid fat. Cocoa butter or beeswax can also be used as a base for candles.
The base should be melted in a water bath, gradually adding the active ingredient. The product is then mixed and poured into a mold. You can also pour the resulting mass on a transparent foil, then twist the edges to form a "sausage" and leave in the refrigerator for an hour. Once the mixture has hardened, it is cut into small suppositories approximately 3-4 cm long. The proportions depend on which active ingredient is used.
- To make candles with honey, you need 50 g of base and 25 g of honey. Before using such suppositories, intolerance to bee products should be ruled out.
- One of the most effective remedies for prostatitis is a suppository with propolis and honey. To prepare the drug, you need to take 50 g of beeswax, 25 g of honey and 10 g of propolis.
- Sea buckthorn oil suppositories are recommended to reduce inflammation. To prepare them, melt 2 parts of the base and add one part of sea buckthorn oil to them. The same recipe can be used to make candles based on pumpkin oil.
- Home remedies can be done with garlic. Squeeze 3 cloves of garlic, pour 50 ml of sea buckthorn oil and leave in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then 25 ml of garlic oil is mixed with 50 ml of cocoa butter and candles are formed.
Such suppositories should be used 1-2 times a day. They are injected into the rectum after a cleansing enema.
Features of antibiotic treatment
The antibiotic treatment regimen for prostatitis is designed by a doctor individually. Antibiotic treatment of chronic prostatitis usually takes 4-5 weeks, and acute prostatitis is treated within two weeks.
Each drug has its own characteristics, contraindications and side effects. They are described in detail in the official instructions for use, which must be read before starting therapy.
Self-medication with antibiotics is not allowed. You should take the prescribed medication daily without skipping or stopping taking it until the end of the course.
It should be remembered that it is impossible to cure bacterial prostatitis without antibacterial drugs.