Often doctors in the initial stage prescribe treatment of prostatitis with drugs when diagnosing an inflammatory process in the prostate gland in men. In fact, the therapy is quite time consuming and time consuming. Prescribing drugs is done exclusively by a specialist based on symptoms and diagnostic indicators.
How do we know that the prostate is inflamed?
Inflammation of the prostate gland develops rapidly and you can find out about the disease when unpleasant symptoms appear:

- decreased sexual desire;
- rapid onset of ejaculation;
- constant feeling of fullness in the bladder;
- and the appearance of discomfort during defecation, painful sensations in the perineum;
- the onset of uncontrolled slow erections;
- urination in a thin periodic stream;
- constant fatigue for no reason;
- raising the temperature to 41 degrees with the addition of bacteria.
It is important to determine the form of the disease, provoking factors before starting treatment. For example, in the case of stagnation and damage by harmful bacteria, treatment is mainly with antibiotics to suppress the harmful microflora. The main thing for prostatitis is to choose the most effective drugs.
Drugs, release forms
Drug treatment of prostatitis involves many drugs with different forms of release. But it is important to understand that one or another form is prescribed, taking into account the stage, form, types of disease development, existing symptoms and contraindications for use.
Among all known groups of drugs are used:
- solutions for placing microclysters to suppress the inflammatory process;
- tablets, in particular antibiotics, as a form of medicine in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland;
- rectal suppositories with direct action on the affected lesions;
- injections in injections, as a fast-acting form of a drug to suppress the inflammatory process in prostatitis.
Many men complain of mental and nervous disorders that require recovery. It is prostatitis that comes to the stronger sex as a blow below the waist, while the erection deteriorates sharply and the potency decreases significantly. Men begin to be in a state of stress, problems appear in the personal sphere.
Tranquilizers or antihistamines will help relieve swelling and inflammation, although doses and courses of treatment should not be neglected to avoid side effects and a sharp deterioration of the situation. In addition, many are interested in how to treat prostatitis in men with drugs and what is better to take: pills or suppositories? The introduction of suppositories involves a close location with the prostate gland. However, suppositories are safer, do not affect the stomach, dissolve quickly in the rectum and are redirected through the bloodstream to the site of injury. The effectiveness comes after 20 minutes.
If you no longer have the strength to bear the pain, then you can eliminate the problem with pills, although the funds enter the stomach, and the separation occurs in the liver, when many useful substances have already lost their effect. The tablets work much later, after 40-45 minutes. Therefore, it is best to choose rectal suppositories for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis, prostate adenoma.
Prescribed drugs
It is important to direct medical treatment to suppress the source of the inflammatory focus.
The drugs are prescribed exclusively by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the inflammatory process, the type of disease, the degree and stage of development of prostatitis:

- Antibiotics are prescribed when pathogenic bacteria are detected, acute course of the disease with a course of therapy of 6 weeks - 2 months.
- Macrolides in the chronic course of the disease.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with direct action on the source of inflammation.
- Decongestants, painkillers for excessive swelling of the prostate, painful urination.
- Hormonal agents with reduction of erectile function in order to restore and normalize the endocrine system.
- Adrenergic blockers for urinary problems to normalize urine flow, relieve inflammation and pain during urination.
- Rectal suppositories in order to act directly on the inflammatory source to suppress the negative processes. These are the safest drugs that can not reduce the function of the liver and kidneys, but are excellent at dealing with harmful microbes. Suppositories are an excellent addition to antibiotics in case of weakened immunity to suppress harmful microflora, when strong antibiotics also kill the beneficial flora in the body. Suppositories are considered safer and more effective.
- Immunomodulators to increase local immunity.
- Muscle relaxants to suppress pain, normalize blood flow to the prostate gland, drain completely.
- Painkillers for cuts in the urine output, severe pain in the form of release in injections, tablets.
- Sedatives to restore the nervous system, relieve agitation, calm. In many men, prostatitis obviously affects the psyche and does not affect the nervous system in the best way.
- Tranquilizers for severe mental disorders in order to increase potency, normalize blood circulation and urinary processes.
- Decongestant antihistamines to relieve swelling of prostate tissue.

On a side note! Some tranquilizers are addictive, so it is not recommended to disrupt the dosage and duration of administration. According to doctors, it is better to use a liquid form of drugs with a rapid effect on the source of pain. Suppositories can be used in the form of enemas, when swallowing the composition in the urethra quickly suppresses the pain.
Only complex treatment will become more effective and recovery will be faster. In addition, the behavior of a course of physiotherapy and the adoption of folk remedies using at home will not be superfluous. It should be understood that if you do not start treatment with drugs on time, the disease will quickly progress to a chronic stage. In the absence of an erection in the morning, clear signs of impotence, pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately contact a urologist. Without knowledge you should not prescribe independent drug treatment of prostatitis with unknown drugs, resort to lethal doses in an attempt to recover faster. So relief will not come, but other health problems and serious complications will arise.
Important! Improper treatment can lead to serious consequences: adenoma, prostate cancer, transition of the disease to a chronic form
Which is more appropriate: anti-inflammatory or antibiotic drugs?

- If acute prostatitis is detected, then it is recommended to use antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones.
- If the prostatitis has become chronic, then it is more advisable to take macrolides or tetracycline antibiotics.
- If nonbacterial prostatitis is found, then antibiotic treatment may simply be ineffective. It is best to take NSAIDs.
Attention! When taking NSAIDs, it is recommended to take short-term courses, leaving a gap of 1 week between them.
Which is better: suppositories or painkillers?
Rectal suppositories do not interact with the digestive system, liver and kidneys, so they are considered safer and are used to correct the treatment of prostatitis, relieve inflammation, pain and swelling and normalize urination.
It is recommended that you use pain pills in case of severe pain, although uncontrolled analgesics can cause side effects and complications.
If there is pain in the perineal area, then it is more advisable to take muscle relaxants to reduce muscle tone in the groin. Non-steroids, which are best used in rectal suppositories, will help relieve swelling and pain. The best medicines are natural herbal products based on medicinal herbs.
It is important to understand that if the inflammation of the prostate gland is caused by bacteria, then it is better to treat it with antibiotics, but ignore the dose and time frame of treatment. To cure prostatitis, to forget forever about the inflammatory process and congestion, means to strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists, to use drugs in a timely manner and according to instructions.